Bugaboo Cameleon 3 sun canopy

Bugaboo Cameleon 3 sun canopy

  • checked 標準の2年間保証
  • checked プレミアムな品質とデザイン
  • checked 複数の支払い方法が選択可能


The Cameleon 3 sun canopy is the perfect stroller accessory to provide shade during sunny days. This sun canopy comes with a UPF 50+ sun protection rate and keeps your child dry and protected on windy and rainy days. Featuring 3 positions, open, closed, and extended, it offers optimal coverage on sunny days but also against drizzle and wind. The sun canopy wires and clamps are not included but can be purchased separately.

  • checked 標準の2年間保証
  • checked プレミアムな品質とデザイン
  • checked 複数の支払い方法が選択可能
Bugaboo Cameleon 3 sun canopy