The new Fox 5
The new Fox 5

The new Fox 5

The Bugaboo Lynx is retired. Say hi to the new Bugaboo Fox 5.


Compare Bugaboo pushchairs

Compare our iconic pushchairs and find the best one for your next discovery.

Perfect pairings for the Lynx

 Bugaboo Lynx with comfort wheeled board.


Whether you need to bundle up or take on the sunshine, our range of cool accessories for the Lynx have you covered.

Turtle One by Nuna car seat.

Turtle Air by Nuna

From the first ride home from the hospital to all your adventures after that, our car seat keeps you on the go without waking anyone up.

Bugaboo Lynx with comfort wheeled board.


Whether you need to bundle up or take on the sunshine, our range of cool accessories for the Lynx have you covered.

Turtle One by Nuna car seat.

Turtle Air by Nuna

From the first ride home from the hospital to all your adventures after that, our car seat keeps you on the go without waking anyone up.
