How to Choose the Perfect Pushchair

Baby pushchairs are one of the most essential buys for new parents. They make life easier in so many ways, allowing you to keep your baby close while you're out and about. They’re incredibly multifunctional and often designed to adapt as your needs change.

There are many options out there when shopping for the best pushchair. That’s why we’ve created this complete guide to buggy buying to help you along with your decision.

At the end of the day, your final choice will depend on many factors, including your lifestyle and priorities for yourself and your baby. But here are some key things that you should look for in any pushchair to help you rule out unsuitable or unsafe products.

Which type of pushchair suits you and your baby best?

There are several different types, styles and sizes of pushchair. We’ll go through six of the most popular prams and make suggestions based on their suitability for different lifestyles and preferences

A couple walking into a park with their child sitting in the Bugaboo Fox 3 all-terrain pushchair

All-terrain pushchair

Bugaboo’s all-terrain pushchair, Fox 3, with a red sun canopy

The all-terrain pushchairalso called all-purpose or full size pushchairis a staple product and many parents’ first choice. It’s very sturdy, with two smaller wheels for easy manoeuvring and two larger ones (often puncture-proof) for stability. The big wheels are great for going over rough ground, so your baby will have a smooth ride even when you’re riding over bumpy terrains. All-terrain pushchairs often come with ample storage space too, such as a pram basket underneath the seat, cup holders and detachable pockets to hang from the handles.

Their size means that they can be suitable for both babies and toddlers.


  • Lots of storage space
  • Can usually handle difficult terrains
  • Can be used into childhood
  • Very durable
  • Plenty of room and maximum comfort for your baby


  • Can be bulky and difficult to store and fold
  • Not as well suited to quick trips as a lightweight stroller

Good for: Mid-to-large families who take frequent day trips and who need ample storage

Take a look at Bugaboo’s latest all-terrain pushchair, the Bugaboo Fox 3.

Lightweight stroller

A couple walking down their home’s front steps. The woman is holding a child and the man is carrying the Bugaboo Bee 6 lightweight stroller, which is folded

Also called an umbrella pushchair, the lightweight stroller has fewer amenities than an all-terrain alternative, but it more than makes up for this with its practicality. Lightweight strollers are very easy to handle and designed to be portable. They can be quickly folded away and become small enough to fit under seats or in overhead compartments. Some even come with shoulder straps for extra portability.

Although not guaranteed, lightweight strollers still usually have extra storage features, such as underseat baskets.


  • The lightest type of pushchair
  • Very easy to store and fold
  • Doesn’t take up much room in the home
  • Versatile and easy to take on public transport


  • Usually only suitable for babies at six months or older
  • Limited storage space
  • Can’t always be adapted for more than one child

Good for: Smaller families and families who use public transport or often make quick journeys around the city

If you like the idea of a compact and lightweight pushchair, take a look at the Bugaboo Ant and Bugaboo Bee. For a full view of its features and to find out how to use the Bugaboo Ant, you can watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Double buggy

A toddler and a baby being pushed side-by-side in Bugaboo’s double buggy, Donkey Duo

Double buggies like the Bugaboo Donkey Duo are the best solution for families with twins or two young children. They come in two stylesside by side double prams, where the seats are next to each other, and inline double strollers, where the seats are one in front of the other.


  • Allows you to use one pushchair for two children
  • Durable
  • Plenty of storage space


  • Tend to be quite heavy and bulky
  • Extra considerations to bear in mind, such as width
  • Lightweight options can sacrifice stability and maneuverability

Good for: Families with twins or two young children close in age

If you need a double pram, Bugaboo’s double buggies are built for ultimate comfort and versatility.

Single-to-double pram

Single-to-double prams, like the Bugaboo Donkey Mono, are also known as convertible pushchairs. They’re designed to accommodate either one or two children, which means if you’re only taking one child out you don’t have to bring a double pushchair. They’re also a great option if you’re planning for a bigger family and want to be able to add a new baby to your current pushchair.


  • Easily adaptable for either one or two children
  • Plenty of storage
  • Often roomy and comfortable for your babies


  • Can be difficult to fold and unfold
  • Seats aren’t always reversible
  • Can be difficult to find lightweight options

Good for: Families with twins or two young children, or growing families

Bassinet Pushchair

A woman wearing yellow trousers and a blue coat leaning over to check on a baby lying in the Bugaboo Fox carrycot and pushchair seat

The bassinet pushchair is arguably the best pushchair for newborns or very young babies. It is the only pushchair that offers a fully reclined position, which provides the most support for a newborn. It also allows them to get all the sleep they need, even while you’re on the go.

Some bassinet strollers are relatively simple and come only with the carrycot option. Others are more advanced and can be adapted into sitting-up positions as your baby grows.


  • Offers ultimate baby neck support 
  • Suitable for newborns
  • Lying-down position provides optimum comfort
  • Allows you to go on long strolls with your newborn


  • Depending on the design, you may need to buy a new pushchair at six plus months
  • Can be heavy and bulky

Good for: Families who like to travel and go on walks with their newborn

Travel system

The Bugaboo Fox travel system in black, featuring a pushchair, carrycot and car seat

A travel system combines a pushchair and a newborn car seat, which can be used until your child is approximately 15 months old. In a travel system, the infant car seat is attachable and detachable from the pushchair. Travel systems come in every different style, including all-terrain and lightweight, so you can still choose what works best for you. Since they’re a 3-in-1 travel system (including the pram, its original seat and the car seat), they can also be slightly more affordable than buying everything separately. 


  • Move your baby from pushchair to car without waking them
  • Can save money
  • Less research needed into two separate products


  • Babies quickly outgrow infant car seats
  • Can be heavy and more difficult to steer

Good for: Busy families who are looking for convenience and families who drive

Not only does Bugaboo have its own travel system products, like the Bugaboo Fox 2 and the Bugaboo Donkey Mono, but we also sell a wide range of car seats as well as adapters that let you attach them to Bugaboo pushchairs. Take a look to find what you need!

Things to look for when choosing a pushchair

There are a few things that you should consider and check for before buying any type of pushchair. These will help you determine the quality of a product and save you from buying something that’s not quite up to scratch for you and your baby.

Two women pushing a toddler and a baby side-by-side in the Bugaboo Donkey Duo pushchair

Adjustable handlebar height

Depending on your height, or if different people will be using the pushchair, adjustable handlebars can be a very useful feature. These handlebars can be raised or lowered according to your needs so that anyone can be pushing in seconds.

Watch our video to see how to adjust handlebar height on Bugaboo products.

A woman wearing a blue coat and a gold bangle on her wrist is pushing a pram handle with her fingertip, against a dark green background


Before buying a pushchair it’s always a good idea to give it a test run round the store. Check to see how easy to push and turn it is, and whether it’s a lot of hard work to get it where you want. Remember that soon it will have a child in it and several bags of baby gear - if it’s difficult to steer before this, it might not be the right pushchair for you.

One of the Bugaboo Fox 3’s main features is its fingertip push. This ultra-responsive design means it only needs the slightest touch for you to get going, no matter the terrain.

Wheel suspension

The Bugaboo Bee on a green background with the suspension point highlighted. Text reads: ‘The unique wheel spring suspension lets you glide over bumps and swiftly turn a tight radius when a surprise corner needs to be turned

There are three common types of stroller wheel suspension:

  • No suspension: suitable for smooth terrains only
  • Front or rear suspension: can handle everyday bumps
  • four-wheel suspension: suitable for most terrains and can go off-road

All Bugaboo pushchairs use four-wheel suspension. There is also advanced suspension, which can be found on the Bugaboo Fox 3. This combines four-wheel suspension with puncture-proof wheels, as well as a unique spring suspension device. The result is a joyously smooth ride, perfect for long walks and longer naps.

Make sure the pushchair you choose has wheel suspension that is suitable for your needs and the terrain of your local area.

Shock absorption

Your baby will be spending a lot of their time in your pushchair, making their comfort one of the most important factors. You definitely don’t want them to be feeling every little bump in the sidewalk, which is why we recommend always asking about a pushchair’s shock absorption system. If shock absorption hasn’t been a major consideration in a pushchair’s design, it’s unlikely to provide the right support for your baby.

Head support

Like shock absorption, good pram head support is vital. Check for padded edges, especially where your baby’s head will be resting.

Woman wearing a blue coat and gold bangles adjusts Bugaboo’s five-point buckle harness


Keep your baby strapped in safe and ready for the ride by checking for pram harnesses. These should be both secure and well-padded for optimum comfort. Bugaboo’s own harness features soft shoulder straps and a five point buckle that can be easily adjusted as your baby grows.


Storage space can be the difference between a relaxed day out and an exhausting one. Consider how much you are likely to be travelling with once you have a child, and look for pushchairs that can handle those needs. We recommend buying a pushchair that has at least one storage solution.

Sun Canopy

The Bugaboo pushchair sun canopy in pale blue

We can’t control the weather, but we can protect our children from chilly rain and bright sunshine. The pram sun canopy is a vital component of a good pushchair, allowing you to face the outdoors without worrying about your baby catching the sun or a cold. Check that you’re happy with how far the canopy extends, and find out if it’s waterproof so you know whether it’s suitable for rainy days.

Bugaboo’s sun canopies provide UPF 50+, which protects your baby from the elements all-year-round. It’s also machine washable, so it will come out clean whatever the weather throws at it.

We hope this guide has given you a better idea of what to look for when it comes to buying your first pushchair! Here at Bugaboo we make pushchairs, car seats and travel cots to help you navigate the world with your new family member in tow. Once you know what kind of pushchair is best for you, why not explore the options available right here?
