

A backorder is an order that cannot be shipped or fulfilled following the standard order timelines. When purchasing a Bugaboo product, this means the product is in transit from the factory and will be shipped to you as soon as it arrives. See more information below.

We always aim to provide you with the earliest shipping date possible. However, please bear in mind that this date is only an estimate, as many determining factors can influence the actual arrival date at the warehouse, and consequentially the date we can ship the product to you. We will, of course, always do our best to make sure your order gets to you as soon as possible.

We will keep you up to date on the shipment status whenever you purchase a product as backorder – no need to check our website to see if the product is back in stock, we will take care of everything for you. You will receive via email an update on when your order is shipped. If you have any questions, our dedicated Customer Support team is available to help you.
