Bugaboo Fox or Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus?

Bugaboo Fox or Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus?

Find the right stroller for you

The Bugaboo Fox and Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus are both comfort strollers, loved by parents everywhere. The Bugaboo Fox is our greatest driving experience, while the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus is a classic packed full of practical features. Find out which one suits you best.

Bugaboo Fox

The most advanced comfort stroller

The Bugaboo Fox is our most advanced stroller, designed to bring extra comfort and well thought-out engineering to parents everywhere. It’s been tested and perfected so that you can turn that corner quickly, get into that tight hallway space, or navigate a supermarket aisle in an instant. Popular in places where getting outside can mean snow, hills or bumps, the Bugaboo Fox’s advanced suspension lets your child sleep on in their smoothest, most comfortable ride yet.

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Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus

The original stroller

Our original stroller, the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 plus, is the classic 2005 design updated for today. It offers many practical features like the original reversible handlebar–rotate it and the large wheels in front make sand or snow so much easier. Then rotate it back for the small wheels in front and turning in tight spaces becomes a breeze. Fully adjustable suspension allows it to grow with your needs, from newborn to small child.

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Bugaboo Fox

Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Plus

Our most advanced comfort yet Classic design and great features
Suitable for newborn
Yes, comes with Bugaboo carrycot  Yes, comes with Bugaboo carrycot
Pushchair weight
9.9 kg 9.6 kg
Compact fold dimension
66 x 54 x 19 cm 90 x 59 x 30 cm
Holds weight
Child 22 kg, storage 10 kg Child 17 kg, storage 4 kg
Yes, all-wheels and advanced front central-joint suspension 2-wheel weight adjustable swivel suspension
Lightest push, feels like power-steering Smooth one-handed turning 
8.5”, 12”
All-terrain and all-weather, beach mode for sand
6”, 12”
Large wheels at front or back, beach mode for sand
59 cm, doubles as a highchair on-the-go 50 cm 
Adjustable height Adjust height or rotate for sand or snow
Car seat compatible
Yes, Chicco®, Britax Römer®, Maxi-Cosi®, Cybex®, plus Bugaboo Turtle by Nuna Yes, Chicco®, Britax Römer® and Maxi-Cosi®, plus Bugaboo Turtle by Nuna
Colour options
The most colour variations, plus limited editions More than 10 colour variations, plus limited editions