Devenir maman

When you're travelling with babies or small children you will experience a variety of emotions

From pure happiness ('This is amazing, I'm on holiday with my baby!') to pure frustration ('When do I actually relax?!') and everything in between. There will be times when you are thoroughly enjoying this wonderful adventure and there will be times when you really just want to pack your bags and go home. There will be ups (your baby is sleeping through the night!) and downs (travel sickness, forgotten diapersbags or no spare babyclothes when you need them most). In short: it certainly won't be boring. You can see why flexibility and the ability to put things into perspective are important. Sudden pit stops for bathroom breaks, unexpected naps, and playgrounds instead of the planned museum visit: it's all part of the game, so try to see the charm of it.

Travelling with kids: the real deal by How About Mom | Bugaboo

Preparation is key, especially on a family holiday

Don't underestimate the amount of stuff you need to take with you when travelling with kids. The days where you could take just one piece of handluggage for a 2-week holiday are over. Depending on the age of your kids and the type of journey, we have one simple word for you: snacks. Make sure there’s always plenty of food, and you will quite literally keep your kids sweet. A bikini or sunglasses can be bought once you arrive, but a long car journey or flight without a snack to distract them can be a disaster.

Travelling with kids: the real deal by How About Mom | Bugaboo

Make it easy for yourself

Choose a lightweight buggy that's easy to manoeuvre and robust enough to support you on all your adventures. The Bugaboo Butterfly folds very compactly and is IATA-compatible, which is a standard size for hand luggage. In other words: this pushchair folds down small enough to be carried as hand luggage on the plane in its own bag. This is going to save you a lot of stress and worries ('Did the stroller actually make it on the plane?' or 'In what condition will I find tour stroller when we arrive at our destination?'). Are you travelling by car and want to be sure that your baby has a safe and comfortable bed to sleep in at your holiday destination? Then bring your own travel cot.

We won't beat about the bush

Travelling with small children is a challenge. A road filled with bumps, crumbs, and unexpected turns. But amid those challenges, precious memories are created, your family bond grows, and you discover the world together. So pack that diaperbag, embrace the chaos, and hit the road. The journey is just as important as the destination, especially with little ones on board.

Devenir maman
